BBR Statement on Brexit

Within the EU and after retreat of the UK, the Benelux region represents its 4th economic power. Protection of this position is vital for the economic prospects of the three countries. The Benelux is the European region most affected by Brexit. Disruption of trade...

Recommendation on self-driving cars approved by Benelux Parliament

On June 16th, the Benelux Parliament approved the recommendation on self-driving cars done by the Commission on Finance and Mobility. The recommendation covers (cross-border) 5G connectivity which is necessary for self-driving cars but will benefit other sectors too...

BBR Executive Chairman Eric ter Hark receives Benelux award

Twice a year, the Benelux Interparliamentary Assembly awards prizes to individuals, institutions or companies that have proven exceptional services to the Benelux on scientific, socio-cultural, economic or sport service level and thereby contributed to the...

BBR present at Benelux Summit of 8 November 2017

The Chairman of the Benelux Business Roundtable (BBR) was invited by Prime Minister Mark Rutte to attend the Benelux Summit Dinner in The Hague on 8 November 2017 in honour of the presence of Prime Minister of Belgium, Charles Michel and the Prime Minister of...

Results of the BBR cross-border infrastructure survey

During the plenary sessions of 31 May 2017, BBR members discussed the results of the cross-border infrastructure survey in the presence of policy makers. More than 30 companies have participated in this survey, giving it a solid representativity. Following the...